SafeWrangle by Crist Instruments
SafeWrangle Animal Guide Primate Catch Pole
The SafeWrangle Animal Guide Primate Catch Pole developed by Crist Instrument Co., Inc. has been called one of the safest devices on the market for handling your animal, and recommended for those using the pole and collar technique.
Features and Benefits
- One of the most important safety features is inherent to the ergonomic design of the handle. Unlike a straight pole, which can easily slip out of the lab technician’s grip, the primate capture pole Guide’s pistol-style hand grip enables better, and more secure, control.
- The automatic-safety thumb latch, unique to our design, provides a secure latching mechanism that straight pole designs do not provide. Once the animal’s collar is securely attached to the stainless steel hook at the end of the pole, the safety latch prevents accidental release. Only after the release of the automatic-safety safety latch can the pole be removed from the collar.
- The distinctive safety mechanisms of this rugged heavy-wall metal pole allow for easy operation with one hand and effective control of the animal from a safe distance.
- Our SafeWrangle Primate Capture poles are designed for use with many other brands of collars, as well as Crist collars.
SafeWrangle Animal Guides are available in two standard lengths:
- 2-SWAG-36 36″(91.5 cm) Animal Guide
- 2-SWAG-24 24″ inches (60.9 cm) Animal Guide
Suggested pole and collar techniques:
SOP 1-09 Animal Transfer v090209